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Champix generic reviews and testimonials

  • FB
    Franklin Baines
    Verified review

    If I relapse, I will take this drug again.

  • DB
    Denzil Bryan
    Verified review

    My third week and I feel good and there are very few situations where I feel like smoking a cigarette. It has never happened that I did not smoke for 21 days in a row, I hope with Champix I will succeed. Unpleasant side: in the first 5 days of taking a 1 mg dose, I had a severe nausea (lasted about 30 minutes).

  • TS
    Travis Salvage
    Verified review

    I am an ex-smoker and very happy to be on the other side

  • JT
    Jackson Thorburn
    Verified review

    Hello! Champix helped break a bad habit. I decided to stop smoking in November when my son was born. By the set date of stopping smoking, I reduced the number of cigarettes smoked from 15–20 to 4.

  • MJ
    Marino Jarrett
    Verified review

    My husband and I smoked two packs a day for 10 years. Thanks to Champix we could stop smoking! Our children have not adopted this bad habit from us, and I hope this never happens.

  • AD
    Alvena Deadman
    Verified review

    I'm also going to stop smoking and your comments are encouraging me. I've bought a month supply of Champix, use it for 14 days. I began to smoke no more than 5 cigarettes a day, I thought that it would be more difficult for me. If I can stop smoking, I will remember this date for the rest of my life.

  • VB
    Verna Barclay
    Verified review

    I stopped smoking in January 2022 after 17 years of cigarette smoking and 2 years of active vaping.

  • HH
    Hamid Hampton
    Verified review

    Champix is the coolest drug. Good luck on your path!

  • YM
    Yusef Michel
    Verified review

    I knew that smoking was bad, that it costs a fortune, but I didn't have enough motivation to stop smoking. At one moment, I decided to change my life and started taking Champix. The first 3 days passed quite calmly, although I expected some kind of "mental" reaction from the body. Then I said to myself: “Wow, this really works, the urge has decreased.” I thought up my own program to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. First, I stopped smoking in the car, then I stopped smoking before work and if there was less than 1 hour left before meals. I ended up smoking 6 cigarettes a day at the 3rd week. Later, I continued to follow and improve this program. Finally, I began to smoke 1 cigarette a day, and then I thought: “Why do I even need it?” I can say that I did it. I'll NEVER smoke again. My wife and I are very happy.

  • CB
    Cecily Bryan
    Verified review

    I have not touched a cigarette for 5 months, I advise Champix to everyone.

  • FC
    Frederick Caulfield
    Verified review

    When taking Champix, motivation is important. If health does not seem to be something very important for you, then calculate how much money you could save on cigarettes in a year. That was one of my main motives.

  • CH
    Clifford Harley
    Verified review

    Everything is possible these days! I stopped smoking almost 4 months ago, and I noticed that I began to put on weight. Now I eat healthy food, my weight is 78 kg, and my blood pressure improved.

  • NW
    Nazario Wallach
    Verified review

    Hi! I'm 32. I can't even remember how many times I tried to stop smoking. I tried everything from chewing gums to sprays, patches and electronic cigarettes. They helped but nothing worked 100%, I the addiction was still there. A friend suggested we start taking Champix together, I thought it was a good idea. I don’t smoke anymore, my friend still smokes, there are 3 weeks left until the end of the treatment.

  • DS
    Dutch Skinner
    Verified review

    STRONGLY RECOMMEND this pharmacy, thanks again!

  • FT
    Freeman Terrazas
    Verified review

    This year I turned 40. Health concerns made me suddenly stop smoking. Then I started smoking again, but there was an obsessive thought that I needed to end this. I decided to try a 3-month Champix treatment. I've been taking 1 mg tablets for two months and I stopped smoking at the 3rd week. I didn’t have to face a strong nicotine withdrawal, so I didn’t give up.

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